
Boneless Chicken Wings 3.95

Soup of the Day 3.95


Pasta and Tomato sauce 4.95

Pasta Alfredo (creamy with bacon) 5.95

Pasta Bolognese (beef mince in sweet tomato sauce) 6.50

Beef Burger and Chips 6.95

Chicken Bites and Chips 6.95

Sausage and Chips 5.95


Jay’s Chocolate Heaven

Warm Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream €4.95

Conor’s Sprinkle Delight

Jelly and Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles €4.95

Chico Sundae Mint Ice Cream

Oreo cookies and Chocolate Sauce €4.95

DIYW (Do It Your Way!) CONE 6.50

Two Scoops Vanilla Ice Cream served with

Rainbow Sprinkles – Mini Marshmallows – Chocolate Flakes

Shakes 3.95

Strawberry | Chocolate | Vanilla